Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/329

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beholder's imagination, as lions rampant, griffins, or eagles with wings outspread—as monstrous saurians or Milton's Apollyon, "lying many a rood," chase each other across the sky. Then the answering shadows flit past, as if in sportive humour, from the direction of the ocean, over the Peninsula, across the bay, and after showing themselves for a brief space on Signal Hill, vanish at length over the sloping sides of Mount Cargill.

The following table explains itself. It may be mentioned, however, that the thermometer used hangs in a passage, near the outer door (in the shade), and that the readings are taken at 9 a.m.

1887. 1888. 1889.
Rainfall. Thermometer
Rainfall. Thermometer
Rainfall. Thermometer
Days. Inches. Days. Inches. Days. Inches.
° ° °
January   7  1.7 66  15  3.5 56   5  .7 66
February   5  2.3 66   6  2.1 55   1  .1 60
March  11  2.5 63  16  7.5 53  13 3 58
April  12  2.3 57  17  1.5 50   9 1.5 50
May  19  3.5 46  11  3.5 48   5 1.1 49
June  10  4.7 46   8  1.3 45   8 1.5 42
July   9  2.7 44  11  6 36   5 1.5 42
August  15  3 45  15  7.7 44   3 1.1 49
September  15  4.5 43   4   .7 41   8 1.5 42
October  12  4.5 52   7  2.7 50   6 1.5 42
November  10  2.5 53  15  3.5 52   9 1.5 50
December  10  2.5 57  10  2.5 55   5 1.5 58
Totals 135 36.7 135 42.5 77 17
Average for year (fractions omitted) 53 48 51