Page:Pippa Passes 1910.djvu/55

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—Never by conquest but by cunning, for
That treaty whereby…
That treaty whereby…Mother. Well?
That treaty whereby… Well?Luigi. (Sure, he ’s arrived,
The tell-tale cuckoo: spring ’s his confidant,
And he lets out her April purposes!)
Or … better goat once to modern time,
He has … they have … in fact, I understand
But can’t restate the matter; that ’s my boast:
Others could reason it out to you, and prove
Things they have made me feel.
Things they have made me feel.Mother. Why go to-night?
Morn ’s for adventure. Jupiter is now
A morning-star. I cannot hear you, Luigi!
Luigi. “I am the bright and morning-star,” saith God—
And, “to such an one I give the morning-star,”
The gift of the morning-star! Have I God’s gift
Of the morning-star?
Of the morning-star?Mother. Chiara will love to see
That Jupiter an evening-star next June.
Luigi. True, mother. Well for those who live through June!
Great noontides, thunder-storms, all glaring pomps
That triumph at the heels of June the god
Leading his revel through our leafy world.
Yes, Chiara will be here.
Yes, Chiara will be here.Mother. In June: remember,
Yourself appointed that month for her coming.
Luigi. Was that low noise the echo?
Luigi. Was that low noise the echo?Mother. The night-wind.
She must be grown—with her blue eyes upturned
As if life were one long and sweet surprise:
In June she comes.