Page:Plates illustrating the natural and morbid changes of the human eye.djvu/12

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Fig. 1.

Section of a portion of healthy retina. The section was made parallel with the optic nerve fibres, and about one-sixth of an inch horizontally inwards from the optic disc. The object of this Plate is to show the fibres of the connective tissue of the retina ("the radial fibres") and their connection with the inner membrana limitans.

(1.) The inner membrana limitans.

(2.) Granular matter between the inner membrana limitans and the optic nerve fibres, occupying the place where the membrana limitans has become detached from the nerve fibres.

(3.) Layer of optic nerve fibres.

(4 ) Fibres of the connective tissue of the retina,—so called "radial fibres."

(5.) The part of the retina occupied by the "layer" of ganglion cells.

(6.) Granules.

Section of a portion of healthy retina. The section was made parallel with the optic nerve fibres, and taken from a part of the retina situated above, and about one-eighth of an inch from, the optic disc.

(1.) Granules.

(2.2.) Fibres of the framework of the retina—"radial fibres."

(3.) The outer membrana limitans.

(4.) A bulb.

(5.) A rod.