Page:Plates illustrating the natural and morbid changes of the human eye.djvu/17

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Fig. 16.

Two unequally dilated capillary vessels.

Fig. 17.

A capillary vessel wiih " hypertrophied " walls.

Fig. 18.

A capillary vessel sprinkled with pigment granules.



From an atrophic retina.

(1.) An unequally dilated large retinal blood-vessel and capillaries. A ligature was placed tightly round the optic nerve previous to excision, so as to prevent escape of blood from the retina. The capillaries, after escape of blood, appeared as a close net-work of fibres.

Fig. 2.

Section of retina (about a quarter of an inch from the upper margin of the optic disc) from an eye, vision of which had been lost by syphilitic choroido -retinitis.

(1, 4.) Elastic lamina of the choroid.

(2.) Pibres of connective tissue of the retina.

(3.) A cluster of fat globules and of granules among the connective tissue. Numerous similar clusters were found among the connective tissue of other parts of the same retina. None of the elements of the retina, except the connective tissue, could be recognized. The clusters of fat globules in the retina appeared most numerous near the choroid.

Fig. 3.

Section of another retina, showing the effects of syphilitic inflammation.

(1, 2.) Eibres of connective tissue of the retina.