Page:Plays by Anton Tchekoff (1916).djvu/176

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den from me: in my fierce and obstinate battle with Satan, the source of the forces of matter, I am destined to be victorious in the end. Matter and spirit will then be one at last in glorious harmony, and the reign of freedom will begin on earth. But this can only come to pass by slow degrees, when after countless eons the moon and earth and shining Sirius himself shall fall to dust. Until that hour, oh, horror! horror! horror! [A pause. Two glowing red points are seen shining across the lake] Satan, my mighty foe, advances; I see his dread and lurid eyes.

Arkadina. I smell sulphur. Is that done on purpose?

Treplieff. Yes.

Arkadina. Oh, I see; that is part of the effect.

Treplieff. Mother!

Nina. He longs for man——

Paulina. [To Dorn] You have taken off your hat again! Put it on, you will catch cold.

Arkadina. The doctor has taken off his hat to Satan, father of eternal matter——

Treplieff. [Loudly and angrily] Enough of this! There’s an end to the performance. Down with the curtain!

Arkadina. Why, what are you so angry about?

Treplieff. [Stamping his foot] The curtain; down with it! [The curtain falls] Excuse me, I forgot that only a chosen few might write plays or act them. I have infringed the monopoly. I—I——

He would like to say more, but waves his hand instead, and goes out to the left.

Arkadina. What is the matter with him?

Sorin. You should not handle youthful egoism so roughly, sister.

Arkadina. What did I say to him?