Page:Plays by Anton Tchekoff (1916).djvu/51

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citedly up and down] Happiness can never exist for me in this world. Never. Why do you laugh?

Sonia. [Laughing and covering her face with her hands] I am so happy, so happy!

Helena. I want to hear music. I might play a little.

Sonia. Oh, do, do! [She embraces her] I could not possibly go to sleep now. Do play!

Helena. Yes, I will. Your father is still awake. Music irritates him when he is ill, but if he says I may, then I shall play a little. Go, Sonia, and ask him.

Sonia. Very well.

[She goes out. The Watchman’s rattle ts heard in the garden.

Helena. It is long since I have heard music. And now, I shail sit and play, and weep like a fool. [Speaking out of the window] Is that you rattling out there, Ephim?

Voice of the Watchman. It is I.

Helena. Don’t make such a noise. Your master is ill.

Voice of the Watchman. I am going away this minute.

[Whistles a tune.

Sonia. [Comes back] He says, no.

The curtain falls.