Page:Plays by Anton Tchekoff (1916).djvu/76

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Astroff. E finita!

Voitski, Serebrakoff, Mme. Voitskaya with her book, Telegin, and Sonia come in.

Serebrakoff. [To Voitski] Shame on him who bears malice for the past. I have gone through so much in the last few hours that I feel capable of writing a whole treatise on the conduct of life for the instruction of posterity. I gladly accept your apology, and myself ask your forgiveness.

[He kisses Voitski three times.

Helena embraces Sonia.

Serebrakoff. [Kissing Mme. Voitskaya’s hand] Mother!

Mme. Voitskaya. [Kissing him] Have your picture taken, Alexander, and send me one. You know how dear you are to me.

Telegin. Good-bye, your Excellency. Don’t forget us.

Serebrakoff. [Kissing his daughter] Good-bye, good-bye all. [Shaking hands with Astroff] Many thanks for your pleasant company. I have a deep regard for your opinions and your enthusiasm, but let me, as an old man, give one word of advice at parting: do something, my friend! Work! Do something! [They all bow] Good luck to you all.

[He goes out followed by Mme. Voitskaya and Sonia.

Voitski. [Kissing Helena’s hand fervently] Good-bye—forgive me. I shall never see you again!

Helena. [Touched] Good-bye, dear boy.

She lightly kisses his head as he bends over her hand, and goes out.

Astroff. Tell them to bring my carriage around too, Waffles.

Telegin. All right, old man.

Astroff and Voitski are left behind alone. Astroff collects his paints and drawing materials on the table and packs them away in a box.