Page:Plea for mercy to animals (IA b28058094).pdf/11

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Claims of the Lower Animals to Humane Treatment from Man.

The term cruelty to animals includes all kinds of needless suffering caused by man—Wanton cruelty less frequent than heedless cruelty—Injury done by want of thought as well as want of heart—Heathen nations and the depraved heart unmerciful—Jeremy Bentham on the rights of the animal creation to humane treatment—The duty of humanity grounded on revealed religion as well as natural law—Dr. Chalmers on the duty of humanity to animals in relation to Christianity—Dr. George Wilson on the place of this duty in Christian ethics—Precepts of mercy to animals in the Mosaic code of laws— Other Scripture precepts and lessons on the subject—The dominion of man over the lower animals a delegated trust, not an absolute right—Lord Erskine's appeal—Motives to humanity from reason and revelation—God's providential care of all His creatures—Instinct and reason—Instinct not always an involuntary impulse—Modifications of instinct—Anecdotes of instinct—Instinct in man—Intelligence in animals—Fidelity, sagacity, and other qualities in animals—Have animals a future existence?

Various Forms of Needless Suffering inflicted by Man.

Sufferings of animals used for the food and other necessary uses of man—Railway transit of cattle—Sea transit—Modes of slaughtering cattle, sheep, poultry, and other animals—Cruelties to animals used to assist the labour of man— Right of animals labouring for man to the day of rest—Cruelties to animals for the amusement of man—Brutal sports—Field sports.