Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/157

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Across the Atlantic wave, and grappled close
My country in that league of amity,
Which commerce loves. And whatsoe'er shall bind
Those lands in unity, is dear to me,
Whether the links be metal, or the threads
Of silky filament by genius thrown
From clime to clime, or those which science knits
In firmer mesh, as erst the sorceress wove
The strong man's locks.
                                 Here too were fabrics rich
That taste might covet, cabinet and screen,
Table and tray, with pearly shell inlaid,
And bright with tints of landscape or of flower.
Here glass in chrystal elegance essays
To emulate the diamond, and we saw
The flaming fount from whence its glories came,
And how the glowing cylinder expands
Into those broad and polished plates, that deck
The abodes of princes.
                                Many a curious thing
Was shown us too at Sheffield, ornaments,
And thousand-bladed knives, and fairy tools
For ladies fingers, when the thread they lead
Through finest lawn; and silver richly chased,
To make the festal board so beautiful,
That unawares the tempted matron's hand
Invades her husband's purse.
                                        But as for me,
Though the whole art was patiently explained,