Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/184

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"Ellen Jane, and Marianna,

Only Children

of the late Rev. William Robinson,

And Ellen Jane, his Wife.

Their affectionate Mother,

In fond remembrance of their heaven-loved innocence,

Consigns their remembrance to this Sanctuary,

In humble gratitude

For the glorious assurance, that

Of such is the Kingdom of God."

This exquisite work of genius is placed under the beautiful eastern window of stained glass, in the south choral aisle, in Lichfield Cathedral. Somewhat similar in its effect on the feelings is a monument in Ashbourne Church, to the only daughter of Sir Brooke Boothby, a child of five years of age. On a low white marble pedestal is a mattress, where the little sufferer reclines, her sweet face expressive both of pain and patience. Her beautiful hands, clasped together, rest near her head. The only drapery is a frock, flowing loosely, and a sash, whose knot is twisted forward, as in the restlessness of disease. You imagine that she has just turned, in the tossings of fever, to seek a cooler spot on her pillow, or an easier position for her wearied form. The inscription is in four languages;—