Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/200

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old biography of him, it is told how "erle Richard by the auctoritie of the hole parliament was maister to king Henrie the 6th, and so he contynowed till the yonge king was 16 yere of age." A drawing in the same book represents him in his robes and coronet, taking the infant monarch from his nurse's arms, the Queen and Bishop of Winchester standing by with sorrowful countenances. The round, unthinking face of the boy expresses no sympathy in their regret; though he probably soon learned to realize the contrast between the delights of the royal nursery, and the training of his stately tutor, who, we learn from history, insisted peremptorily on the privilege of inflicting personal chastisement, and subjected his pupil to many severe restrictions. This iron rule pressed heavily upon the weak mind of the unfortunate Henry, whose touching epitaph at Windsor cannot be read without pity.

"Here, o'er the ill-fated king the marble weeps,
And fast beside him vengeful Edward sleeps,
Whom not the extended Albion could contain,
From old Belerium to the northern main,
The grave unites; where even the great find rest,
And blended lie the oppressor and the opprest."