Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/226

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"Give me a little earth for charity."

Our researches in the Bodleian and Radcliffe libraries, the former of which contains 400,000 volumes, with countless manuscripts, delighted us exceedingly; as did also the architecture of those time-honored structures, in which, and in the illustrious men nurtured within their walls, Oxford so justly glories. The evening before our departure, after listening to the sublime chants in the beautiful chapel of New College, we went to stand on the spot, near Baliol, where, on the 16th of October, 1555, Latimer, bishop of Worcester, and Ridley, bishop of London, expired at the stake. And it seemed, if not a natural combination, surely a touching climax, for thought to rise from the high, historical associations that cluster around the fanes of learning and piety, to the unshrinking faith of that "blessed company of martyrs," who through much tribulation entered into eternal rest.