Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/68

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we still live, and shall pass from under it only through the portals of the grave.

"The last three years have done on me the work of twenty. The one, sole business of my life is that, which I verily believe keeps the life in me, the guard- ianship of my dear, helpless, unconscious husband." The heavy calamity which has befallen one of the most gifted minds of our age, and the enduring courage of conjugal love which ministers to it, awaken deep sympathy here, as well as in Europe. They recall and render applicable a few affecting lines, in that noble epic poem of "Roderick," one of the most imperishable monuments of his genius, over whose silent and stricken harp we mourn.

"God hath upheld her," the old man replied;
"She bears this last, and heaviest of her griefs
Most patiently, as one who finds in Heaven
A comfort, which the world can neither give
Nor take away."