Page:Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands.djvu/49

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Here sit a pair at chess, Absorbed, of course, and there another group, Who scarcely keep a show of life, to drag Some other drowsy game. Still wiser those, Who to the dull necessity of things Yielding perforce, on sofa, or on chair, Doze oyster-like.

I would not wish to be Fastidious, or too difficult to please ; Yet I ve a fondness now and then to tread On something firm, and not be always dashed Against the wall when walking, nor in sleep Tossed from the pillow to the state-room floor, Aghast and ill at ease.

Yet these are freaks Doubtless unworthy to be kept in mind ; And we have much to thank thee for, O Deep ! And would not be ungrateful. Thou hast shown Thy summer face, and poured thy bracing air Salubrious round us, and called freely forth Thy various actors on their tossing stage ; The kingly whale, the porpoise in huge shoals Disporting heavily, the rough sea-horse Churning the foam, like ponderous elephant, The dolphin, fainting in his rainbow shroud, The white gull, sailing through the blue serene, And the faint land-bird, as it quivering hung Mid our wet shrouds, to die.

And when I ve bowed My soul to thee, thou hast not failed to breathe

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