Page:Pleased to Meet You (1927).pdf/99

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"The trouble with this League of Nations work is, it's so uncertain. Here to-day and gone to-morrow."

"Don't say that," replied Nyla gently. "Besides, this is to-day."

"Geneva is so capricious. Sometimes I'll barely get started on a job when orders will come to buzz off somewhere else. You never know when some delicate situation will arise that needs expert attention. They push you round so suddenly, sometimes you don't even have time to say good-bye."

There was just room for two to lean side by side, rather close, in the wedge-shaped recess of the window, looking out across the quiet water to the groves of the park. Nyla sympathetically returned the pressure of his hand, and looked admiringly at his handsome clear-cut features, now clouded with melancholy. This was a new phase of the volatile Colonel. Evidently beneath his frolic humour there was a deeper side.