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in Goodman's Fields, Whitechapel, some time between July and December, 1645. It is believed to have been the same press from which the Martin Mar-Priest tracts had appeared earlier in the year, and to have been hurriedly removed from Bishopsgate Street to avoid seizure. The following books are known to have been printed at it: (1) The Copy of a Letter from Lieutenant Colonell John Lilburne, to a friend. [August 9th, 1645.] 4o.; (2) England's Birthright justified against all Arbitrary Usurpation, etc. [October 10th, 1645.] 4o. [Library, N.S., October, 1904, Secret Printing during the Civil War, pp. 374-403.]

GOODWIN, see Godwin.

GOULD (THOMAS), bookseller in London; The Church in Chancery Lane, 1635-59. Took up his freedom May 6th, 1633. [Arber, iii. 687.] His name is found on a broadside entitled A Perfect List of the Lords [Hazlitt, ii. 712], and other political pamphlets.

GRANTHAM (WILLIAM), bookseller in London, (1) Black Bear in St. Paul's Churchyard; (2) Bear in St. Paul's Church Yard, near the little North door. 1646-75. In partnership for a time with Nathaniel Webb, who, some time between 1655 and 1660, set up for himself at the King's Head in St. Paul's Churchyard. T. Gerey's Meditations upon God, 1658, contains after the "Contents" a four-page list of books sold by Grantham and Webb in 1658. It consists entirely of theological works, and was re-issued without alteration and without date two years later, at the end of a sermon by the same preacher called A Mirrour for Anabaptists. The last entry to Grantham in the Term Catalogues is Michaelmas, 1675.

GRAVES (WILLIAM), bookseller in Cambridge; Regent Walk, 1631(?)-65. His name is found on Richard Watson's Sermon touching Schism, 1642, Liber Job Graeco carmine redditus per J. D. Editio altera … 1653. [Bowes' Cambridge Books, p. 28, No. 75; p. 34, No. 99.] A William Graves paid church rate from 1631 to 163 4/5 for Great St. Maries. [Foster's Churchwardens' Accounts.]

GRAY (JAMES), bookseller in Edinburgh; At the upper side of the Great Kirk Stile, 1647. Known only from the imprint to D. Dickson's Brief Exposition of … Matthew. No. 1271 in Mr. Aldis's List of Books Printed in Scotland.