Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/134

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French and English Dictionary, of which he printed two editions in folio, those of 1650 and 1660. In order to make the edition of 1660 as complete as possible he sent out interleaved copies of the previous edition to scholars inviting corrections and additions.

HUNTER (JOSEPH), (?) bookseller in London, 1648. His name is found on a political pamphlet entitled, King's .... Declaration for Peace, 1648. [E. 465 (3).] No address is given.

HUNTINGDON (THOMAS), bookseller in London; The Stars in Duck Lane, 1648-50. Publisher of school books and miscellaneous literature. In partnership with T. Slater, q.v.

HURLOCK (GEORGE), bookseller in London; neere St. Magnus Comer, Thames Street, 1634-46. Took up his freedom May 12th, 1634, and is believed to have succeeded to the business of John Tap. Dealt in works on navigation. In 1633 a fire destroyed a large number of houses on the north side of London Bridge, but apparently this house escaped. His name occurs in 1641 in a list of those stationers who had paid the poll tax. [Domestic State Papers, Charles I, vol. 483 (11).]

HUSBAND (EDWARD), printer (?) and bookseller in London; The Golden Dragon, near the Inner Temple, 1641-60. Took up his freedom March 3rd, 1634 [Arber, iii. 687], at which time he was certainly not a printer. He appears to have been one of several stationers to whom the Long Parliament farmed out its printing. In the Calendar of Domestic State Papers, Charles I, Addenda (March, 1625, to January, 1649), pp. 626-7, the statement is made that he was the publisher of the Diurnal Occurrences of this great and happy Parliament, 1641, and of a companion volume entitled Speeches & Passages in this great and happy parliament, 1641, but the imprints state that these works were printed for William Cooke, of Furnival's Inn. There is no mention of Husband either as printer or publisher, and the only foundation for the statement appears to be a MS. note bound in with the Burney copy of the Diurnal which does not quote any authority for its assertion. As early as August 1st, 1642, the Commons Journals record an order made for payment to "Usbands & Francke of their account for printing divers parcels by order