Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/142

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up his freedom November 7th, 1636. [Arber, iii. 688.] Originally in partnership with Thomas Warren. Shared with Humphrey Robinson, Richard Thrale and Samuel Thompson the copyrights of T. Whitaker, q.v., consisting of 109 copies. Was one of the six stationers who in 1652 published a list of Popish books under the title of A Beacon set on Fire.

KNIGHT (THOMAS), bookseller in London; Holy Lamb Paul's Churchyard, 1629-60. Took up his freedom August 26th, 1627. [Arber, iii. 686.] Succeeded Clement Knight at this address. [Sayle, 591.]

KYNGSTON, see Kingston, F.

LAMBERD (WILLIAM), bookseller in London, 1641. Mentioned in a list of stationers dated August 5th, 1641, as paying five shillings as his proportion of the Poll Tax. [Domestic State Papers, Charles I, vol. 483. 11.] His address has not been found.

LAMBERT (JOHN), printer in London; Pilkington Court, Aldersgate Street, 1666. Mentioned in the Hearth Tax Roll for the half-year ending Lady Day, 1666. [P.R.O. Lay Subsidy 252/32.]

LAMBERT (RICHARD), bookseller in York; The Crown Minster Yard, 1660-68. Publisher of Robert Wittie's Scarborough Spaw 1660, 1667. Mentioned in an advertisement of patent medicines in the news-sheets of the year 1663.

LAMBERT (THOMAS), bookseller in London, (1) Horse-shooe, neare the Hospitall gate in Smithfield; (2) neere the Red Crosse in Little Britain. 1633-43. Publisher of ballads, broadsides, and other ephemeral literature. His first imprint is found on the title-page of a pamphlet entitled A True Discourse of the Two infamous upstart Prophets Richard Farnham … and John Bull, 1636. [B.M. G. 20167.]

LAMBETH (THOMAS), stationer in London; Scroope's Court over against ye church in Holborne, 1661. Mentioned in the parish register of St. Andrew's, Holborn, 1661.

LANE (PHIL), (?) bookseller in London. Gray's Inn Gate, 1643. Appears to have been in partnership with Matthew Walbanck at the above address. Their names are found on a pamphlet entitled: The Proceedings of the Commissioners … 1643. [E. 247 (28).]