Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/182

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RAWLINS (WILLIAM), bookseller (?) in London, 1659. His name occurs in the imprint to a pamphlet entitled True Relation of the great fight … near Northwich, 1659.

RAWORTH (JOHN), printer in London; Parish of St. Bennet Paul's Wharf; 1638-45. Took up his freedom February 6th, 1632. In 1645 he is found borrowing a sum of £25 of the parish of St. Bennet's, for which he paid 5 per cent. interest. He died towards the end of July, 1645, his will being proved August 5th. [P.C.C. 104, Rivers.] In 1648 his widow married Thomas Newcombe.

RAWORTH (ROBERT), (?) bookseller in London; (?) Old Fish Street, near St. Mary Maudlin's Church, 1633-47. His name is found on the imprint to T. Heywood's English Traveller, 1633, and Hazlitt in his Handbook (p. 246) gives an edition of B. Guarini's Il Pastor Fido as published by Robert Raworth in 1647. A Robert Raworth was one of the witnesses to the will of John Raworth.

RAWORTH (RUTH), printer in London; Parish of St. Bennet Paul's Wharf, 1646-8. Widow of John Raworth. In 1648 she married Thos. Newcombe.

RAYNOR, REYNOR, or REINOR (JOHN), (?) bookseller in London, 1659. His name occurs on the imprint to the following pamphlet: Bloody Almanack … London, Printed for John Raynor, 1659. [E. 993. (19).]

RAYNOR, REYNOR, or REINOR (T.), bookseller(?) in London, 1641. His name occurs on the imprint to the following pamphlet: The Welch-man's Answer, 1641. [Hazlitt, iii. 52.]

RAYNOR, REYNOR, or REINOR (WILLIAM), bookseller (?) in London, 1642. His name occurs on the imprints to the following political pamphlets entitled Prince Charles His Letter to the Lady Marie His most Royall Sister … London, Printed for William Raynor, 1642. [Hazlitt, ii. 681]; The Truest most joyfull Newes that ever came from Ireland. [E. 136 (7).]

REA (FRANCIS), bookseller in Worcester, 1651-63. Son of Ann Rea, of Churchill, co. Worcester, apprentice to Francis Ash, q.v., for seven years from January 6th, 1644. His name is found on the imprint to Andrew