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[Domestic State Papers, Charles II, vol. 99, 165] and again as a printer in the survey of the press made on July 24th, 1668, but the number of his presses is not given. [Plomer, Short History of English Printing, pp. 224, 225.] In 1670 the Company of Stationers ordered that his press and materials should be defaced, and himself indicted for printing a Popish book entitled Think well on't, [Records of the Stationers' Company.] The name of Michael Brugis is found in the imprint to a political tract of the Commonwealth period.

BRIGGS (PHILIP), bookseller in London, (1) Dolphin, St. Paul's Churchyard, between the two north doores, 1655; (2) Mermaid Court near Amen Comer, Pater-Noster Row, 1671. 1655–72. His name is found on Edmond Ellis's Dia Poemata, 1655. Peter Lilliecrap, q.v. printed several things for him. [Hazlitt, H. 183, ii. 585, iii. 30, ii 260.]

BROAD (ALICE), printer at York; Stonegate over against the Star, 1660–67. Widow of Thomas Broad. Printed several books for Francis Mawbarn, q.v..

BROAD (THOMAS), printer at York, (1) At Mistris Rogers house on Stone-gate, over againste the Starre, 1644; (2) In Stone-Gate over against the Starre, 1644; (3) Near Common-Hail Gate, 1649–60. On the occupation of the City of York by the Parliament's army, Thomas Broad was appointed printer in the place of Stephen Bulkey. His death took place about 1660, when he was succeeded by his widow, Alice Broad.

BROCAS (ABISHA), bookseller in Exeter, 1655–74. Mentioned in an advertisement of patent medicines in the "Newes" in 1663. Published the following books: Tickell (J.), Sum and substance of religion, a broadside, 1655 [816. m. 22 (28)]; Fullwood (F.), General Assembly, 1667.

BROCKLEBANK (RALPH), bookseller in York; In the Minster Yard, 1647. Only known from the imprint to a tract entitled An Answer to the Poysonous Sedicious Paper of Mr. David Jenkins, 1647, 4°, printed for him by Thomas Broad, of which there is a copy in the York Minster Library. [Davies, Memoir of the York Press, p. 79.] It was issued the same year in London by Robert Bostock.