Page:Plomer Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers 1907.djvu/96

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March 9th. Bartholomew Downes also had a son Thomas, probably the Thomas Downes who took up his freedom December 5th, 1636. [Arber, iii. 688.] Another Downes, a printer, is mentioned in the Domestic State Papers, Charles II, vol. 67 (161) about the year 1664.

DOWSE (JOHN), bookseller in London; Great North Door of Pauls, 1664. Only known from an advertisement in the Intelligencer for that year.

DRADOUN (GEORGE), bookseller at St. Andrews, Scotland, 1654. Named as a debtor in the inventory of Andrew Wilson, q.v. [H. G. Aldis, List of books printed in Scotland to 1700, p. 112.]

DRENNANE (JOHN), bookseller at St. Andrews, Scotland, 1645. Named as a debtor in the inventory of Robert Bryson, q.v. [H. G. Aldis, List of books printed in Scotland to 1700, p. 112.]

DRING (PETER), bookseller in London, (1) The Sun in the Poultry, next door to the Rose Tavern, 1660-66; (2) Old Jewry, 1666. Amongst his publications was George Alsop's Character of the Province of Maryland, 1666, described by Sabin [Vol. i. 118] as one of the rarest of Americana. It contains on the last two leaves a list of 13 books printed for and sold by him. These included a romance called Eliana "by an English hand," one music book, two books on cookery, a jest book, and a commentary on Chaucer. On May 8th, 1666, he became surety for Thomas Johnson, printer, q.v. [Domestic State Papers, Charles II, vol. 155, 70.]

DRING (THOMAS), bookseller in London; George in Fleet Street, near St. Dunstan's Church, 1649-68. Dealt principally in law books, but was also the publisher of some plays. He died in 1668, his will being dated September 12th and proved on December 21st. He left small bequests to John Place, bookseller, q.v. and Thomas Bassett, bookseller, q.v., the residue to his son Thomas, and the premises in Fleet Street in trust for his younger son Joshua. Thomas Roycroft and John Bellinger were among the witnesses. [P.C.C. 154, Hene.]

DRIVER (THOMAS), bookseller in London; near the Bishop's Head in S. Paul's Churchyard, 1661. Only known from the imprint to Dr. Edward Sparke's Scintillula Altaris, 1661. [B.M. 4257 aaa. 42.]