Page:Plunder (Perlman).djvu/19

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the world--it's just business. No one can do anything about them.


You'd never believe what I had to go through to buy one of those fellows out. If we didn't buy them out, people would continue to buy the hand-made stuff even if it cost ten times as much as mine.


Maybe my father was one of those you tried to buy out.


When we did buy them out, they accused us of God-knows what--destroying their souls! And the time we had getting them to sell our commodities! You haven't the vaguest idea what backwardness means. Some of those people would sooner have lost their lives than sell manufactured goods. And even when they did sell it, they continued spending their time making clay bowls by hand long after they'd lost a market for them. You'd have to see it to believe it.


My poor father. He was one of those who continued making pottery long after people stopped buying it. When I was little he would tell me how much it meant to him. He would still be making bowls, he would tell me, if the Europeans hadn't come.


Those people worked just to be working--for nothing! We came to free them from that drudgery, offered them leisure, comfort--but they'd gotten so used to backwardness they actually preferred to remain enslaved to their drudgery.


History can't be stopped in its tracks just to allow one man to continue making bowls by hand. Yet it's