Page:Plunder (Perlman).djvu/47

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around like a draw-cart, to spend every living day doing the same thing! You go helpless and blind and deaf; you lose your mind and can never again tell what to do unless someone tells you. That's not a sacrifice; that won't help anyone; I'd be letting myself be murdered, a little every day, until there was nothing left of me but an imbecil, a cowed dog.


We let Chuana sacrifice herself for survival. Yet we do not retain our purity.


Look, father, there are people at the house.


Like pure drops of rain that fall into the sea and merge with the salted water, so soon indistinguishable from all the salted water around them--we no longer have any purity to sacrifice. . .


Who are you looking for?


Is this the home of K. Mokser?


If you call it a home. . .


. . . our only thoughts are of salt, our only dreams are to abolish the salt--and all our hopes are surrounded by salt. We have no purity to sacrifice. . . only a vague memory. . .

(Enter three Bureaucrats)


You are Mr. K. Mokser? Your occupation is farming, I understand?