Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/127

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§ 47]

as members, it becomes necessary to know who are properly members of the assembly and entitled to vote, before the permanent organization is effected. In this case a temporary organization[1] is made, as already described, by the election of a chairman and secretary “pro tem.,” when the chairman announces, “The next business in order is the appointment of a committee on credentials.” A motion may then be made covering the entire case, thus: “I move that a committee of three on the credentials of members be appointed. by the Chair, and that the committee report as soon as practicable;” or they may include only one of these details, thus: “I move that a committee be appointed on the credentials of members.” In either case the Chair proceeds as already described in the cases of committees on resolutions [§ 46 (c)].

On the motion to accept the report of the committee, none can vote except those reported by the committee as having proper credentials. The committee, beside reporting a list of members with proper credentials, may report doubtful or contested cases, with recommendations,

  1. Care should be taken to put no one into office, or on a committee, whose right to a seat is doubted.