Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/149

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§ 53]

graphs; but, after the whole paper has been read in this way, it is open to amendment, generally by striking out any paragraph or inserting new ones, or by substituting an entirely new paper for it. When it has been amended to suit the committee, they should adopt it as their report, and direct the chairman or some other member to report it to the assembly. It is then written out, usually commencing in a style similar to this: “The committee to which was referred [state the matter referred], beg leave to submit the following report;” or, “Your committee appointed to [specify the object], would respectfully report,” etc. It usually closes thus: “All of which is respectfully submitted,” followed by the signatures of all the members concurring in the report, or sometimes by only that of the chairman.

If the minority submit a report, it commences thus: “The undersigned, a minority of the committee appointed,” etc., continuing as the regular report of the committee. After the committee’s report has been read it is usual to allow the minority to present their report; but it cannot be acted upon except by a motion to substitute it for the report of the committee. When the committee’s report is