Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/17

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and in such cases, in Part I, there will be found, in a foot note, the Congressional practice. In the important matters referred to above, in which the practice of the House of Representatives settles the common parliamentary law of the country, this Manual strictly conforms to such practice.[1]

The Manual is divided into three distinct parts, each complete in itself, and a Table of Rules [see

  1. On account of the party lines being so strictly drawn in Congress, no such thing as harmony of action is possible, and it has been found best to give a bare majority in the House of Representatives (but not in the Senate) the power to take final action upon a question without allowing of any discussion. In ordinary societies more regard should be paid to the rights of the minority, and a two-thirds vote be required, as inthis Manual, for sustaining an objection to the introduction of a question, or for adopting a motion for the Previous Question, or for adopting an order closing or limiting debate. [See note to § 39 for a discussion of this question.] In this respect the policy of the Pocket Manual is a mean between those of the House and Senate. But some societies will doubtless find it advantageous to follow the practice of the House of Representatives, and others will prefer that of the Senate. It requires a majority, according to this Manual, to order the yeas and nays [§ 38], which is doubtless best in most assemblies; but in all bodies in which the members are responsible to their constituents,a much smaller number should have this power. In Congress it requires but a one-fifth vote, and in some bodies a single member can require a vote to be taken by yeas and nays.

    Any society adopting this Manual should make its rules govern them in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws and Rules of Order of the society. [See § 49 for the form of a rule covering this case. ] Their own rules should include all of the cases where it is desirable to vary from the rules in the Manual, and especially should provide for a Quorum [§ 43] and an Order of Business [§ 44], as suggested in these rules.