Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/183

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§ 70]

in the rule. If a quorum is present a call should rank with questions of privilege [§ 12], requiring a majority vote for its adoption, and if rejected it should not be renewed, while a quorum is present, at that meeting [see first note to § 42]. After a call is ordered, until further proceedings in the call are dispensed with, no motion is in order except to adjourn and a motion relating to the call, so that a recess could not be taken by unanimous consent. An adjournment puts an end to all proceedings in the call, except that the assembly before adjournment, if a quorum is present, can order such members as are already arrested to make their excuses at an adjourned meeting. Proceedings in a Call of the House. When the call is ordered the clerk calls the roll of members alphabetically, noting the absentees; he then calls over again the names of absentees, when excuses[1] can be made; after this the doors are locked, no one being permitted to leave, and an order similar in form to the fol-

  1. It is usual in Congress to excuse those who have “paired off,” that is, two members on opposite sides of the pending question who have agreed that both will stay away. In order to ‘‘pair off,” the absence of both parties must not affect the result, which would rarely be the case in municipal bodies like those under consideration.