Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/44

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[§ 19

a motion to suspend the rules for the same purpose be renewed [§ 26] at the same meeting, though it may be renewed after an adjournment, though the next meeting be held the same day.[1] The rules of the assembly shall not be suspended except for a definite purpose, and by a two-thirds vote; nor shall any rule be suspended, unless by unanimous consent, that gives any right to a minority as small as one-third.t[2]

The Form of this motion is, “to suspend the rules which interfere with,” etc., specifying the object of the suspension.

Subsidiary Motions.

[§§ 19–24; see § 7.]

19. To Lie on the Table. This motion takes precedence of all other Subsidiary Questions [§ 7], and yields to any Privileged [§ 9] or Incidental [§ 8] Question. It is not debatable, and cannot be amended or have any other subsidiary motion [§ 7] applied to it, nor can an affirmative vote on it be reconsidered

  1. In Congress it cannot be renewed the same day.
  2. There would be no use in a rule allowing one-fifth of the members present to order the yeas and nays, for instance, if two-thirds of those present could suspend the rule [see the last notes to §§ 38, 39].