Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/10

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to the King whilft at dinner, faying, " Dear King Vortigern, your health." The King was agreeably furprifed, and in return immediately arofe from his feat, and gave her a falute, which Rowena received in a very refpeftful manner, and making a profound reverence withdrew. " This fhews the great antiquity of thecuftom, efp.~cially of drinking the King's health firft ; and good old cuftoms ought not to be forfaken ; but I mould advife my reader that whenever he is called upon for a Toaft, to. give fome eminent Perfon, not fo much on the account of feis title as his iingular merit above the reft of his fellow creatures, or his high rank of honour among his countrymen ; and no Briton ought to be at a lofs for the name of fuch a perfon, as our Ifland produces fo many ; or a fhort philanthorpic or moral Sentiment mould be given, whereof a numberlefs variety might be formed, to in culcate virtue and diilipate vice ; but there are fome perfons deftitute of the etiquette fuited to good com~ pany, and who frequent it fo feldom that they are often at a lofs for a Sentiment when called upon, this occafions a delay in the mirth, and the majority of the company deem it ignorance, and a laugh or contemp tuous fneer follows, raifed at their expence : to avoid which, I have thought proper to fubjoiri many Names of worthy Perfons, upon a new Plan, with felect Sentiments ; fo that any perfon with a little attention befcfre he goes into company may properly be flocked with five or fix, which will be fufficient to prevent his being the butt of the company for the evening : ferving not only as a Toaft-Mafter's Affiftant, but as an Index to the Dignitaries of the Church, Law, - Army, Navy, Public Officers, and Public Bodies, with the places where they are eftablifhed, a thing of the utmoft conlequence and of the greateft utility, for want of a general diffufion of this knowledge many an individual has iuffered. la

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