Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/103

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( 73 )

All idle debate

About church and ftate, The fprings of impiety and treafon :

Thefe raifers of ftrife

Ne'er ruffle the life Of a free and an accepted mafoa.

Antiquity's pride

We have on our fide, Which adds high renown to our ftation;

There's nought but what's- good

To be underftood By a free and an accepted mafon.

The clergy embrace, And all Aaron's race,

Our fquare actions their knowledge to place on ; And in each degree They'll honoured be With a free and an accepted mafon.

We're true and fincere

In our love to the fair Who will truft us on every occafion :

No mortal can more

The ladies adore Than a free and an accepted mafon.

Then join hand in hand,

T' each other firm ftand, Let's be merry and put a good face on :

What mortal can boaft

So noble a toad As a free and an accepted mafon ?


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