Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/107

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He had not been awa a week but only tw a,

When my mither ihe fell fick, and the cow was floun


My father brak his arm, and my Jamie at the fea, And Auld Robin Grey came a courting to me.

My father coud na work, and my mither coud na fpin, I toil'd the day and night, but their bread I coud na


And Rob maintain'd them baith, and \vi tears in his ee, Said, Jenny, for their fakes, O marry me.

My heart it faid nay, I look'd for Jamie back, But the wind it blew high, and the (hip it was 3 wreck, The fliip it was a wreck, why did a Jamie die ? And why do I live, to fay waes me ?

Auld Robin argued fair, tho' my mither did na fpeak, She look'd in my face till my heart was like to break ; So they gi'ed him my hand, tho' my heart was at the

fea, And Auld Robin Grey is a gude man to me.

I had na been a wife a week but only four, When fitting fa mournfully at the door, I faw my Jamie's wafte, for I coud na think it he, 'Till he faid I'm come back to marry thee.

fair did we greet, and muckle did we fay, We took but ae kifs, and tore ourfclves away :

1 wifh I were dead, but I'm na like to die, And why do I live to fay waes me ?

I gang like a ghaift, and care na to fpin ;

I dare na think on Jamie, for that wou'd be a fin ;

But I'll do my beft a gude wife to be,

For Auld Robin Grey is kind unto me.

H 3 THIi

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