Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/117

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( 87 )

Then truft me, there's nothing like drinking

Sopleafant on this fide the grave ; It keeps the unhappy from thinking,

And makes e'en the valiant more brave. For me, from the moment I twigg'd it,

The good ftuffhas fo fet me agog ; Sick or well, late or early, Wind foully or fairly, I've confantly fwigg'd it,

And, fwore' there was nothing like grog.


Sing the Britim feaman's praife, A theme renown'd in ftory ; It well deferves more polilh'd lays, Oh ! 'tis your boafl and glory ; When mad-brain'd war fpreads death around,

By them you are protected ; But when in peace this nation's found, Thefe bulwarks are neglected. Then oh ! protect the hardy tar,

Be mindful of his merit ; Or when again you're plung'd in war, He'll fhew his daring fpirit.

When thickeil darknefs covers all

Far on the tracklefs ocean j When lightning darts, when thunders roll,

And all is wild commotion ; When on the bark the white-topp'd waves,

With boifl'rous f.veep are rolling, Yet coolly ftill the whole he braves,

Untam'd amidft the howling.

Then oh ! proteft, Sec. 1 2 When

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