Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/133

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( 103 )

Should he afk me to wed, As it runs in my head

He has fome inclination to do ; I (hall iurely comply, For 1 own, by the by,

1 have fome inebriation heigho !


ADIEU, adieu, my only life, My honour calls me from thee ; Remember thou'rt a foldier's wife,

Thofe tears but ill become thee. What though by duty I am calPd

Where thund'ring cannons rattle, Where valour's felf might (land appall'd,

When on the wings of thy dear love,

To heav'n above, Thy fervent orifons are flown,

The tender prayer

Thou putt'ft up there, Shall call a guardian angel down,

To watch me in the battle.

My fafety thy fair truth mall be

As fword and buckler ferving ; My life (hall be more dear to me,

Becaufe of thy preferving. Let peril come, let horror threat,

Let thund'rfeg cannons rattle, I fearlefs feek the conflict's heat,

Aflur'd when on the wings oi love,

To heav'n above, &c.


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