Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/135

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When the wind at night whtf les o'er the deep,

And fings to the landmen drcaiy : The failor fearlefs goes to fleep, Or takes his watch mod cheary. Boozing here, fnoozing there, Steadily, &c.

��When the fky grows black, and the wind blows hard,

And landmen fculk below, fir; Jack mounts up to the top-fail yard, And he turns his quid as he goes, fir. Hawling here, bawling there, Steadily, &c.

��When the foaming waves run mountains higl),

And landfmen cry " all's gojie, fir /' The failor hangs 'twixt feaandfky, And he jokes with Davy Jones, fir.. Dafhinghere, clashing there, Steadily, &c.

When the (hip, d'ye fee, becomes a wreck,.

And landfmen hoi ft the 'boat, fir ; The failor Icorns to quit the deck, While a fingle plank's afloat, fir. Swearing here, tearing there, Steadily, &c.

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