Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/144

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How many win ! how many lofe !

How many wifh for court cards ! How many a good hand abufe !

How many love to fport cards ! But none with diamonds ever parts,

For they are always famous ; And never fail in winning hearts,

No matter what the game is. Then fince the maxim, &c.


LIFE'S like a ihip in conftant motion, Sometimes high, and fometimes low, Where every one muft brave the ocean,

Whatfoever winds may blow : If annoy 'd by fquall or mowers,

Driven by the gentle gales, Lofe not then the fa v 'ring hours, Whilft fuccefs attends the fails.

If the wayward winds fhould blufter,

Never let's give way to fear, All or patience let us mufter,

And learn from reafon how to fteer. Let judgement keep us ever fteady,

Tis aballaft feldom fails ; And when dangers rife, be ever ready

To manage well the fwelling fails.

Truft not fo much to your own opinion,

Whilft the veflel is under way ; Let good difcretioH bear dominion,

That compafs never leads aftray ;


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