Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/146

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( "6 )

Thou mak'ft, bold peafant, oh what grief! The gibbet, on which hangs the thief, The feat where fits the great Lord Chief,

The throne, the cobler's {fall : Thou pamper'ft life in every ftage, Mak'ft folly's whims, pride's equipage, For children toys, crutches for age,

And coffins for us all.

��Yet juftice let us ftill afford,

Thefe chairs, and this convivial board^

The bin that holds gay Bacchus' hoard

Confefs the woodman's ftroke : He made the prefs that bled the vine, The butt that holds the generous wine. The hall itfelf, VA here tiplers join

To crack the mirthful joke.


��A MO, amas, Ilovealafs

As a cedar tall and (lender ; Sweet cowflips grace Is her nom'tive cafe, And file's of the feminine gender.

Rorum corum, funt divorum, Harum fcarum divo ! rag, merry deny, perri wig and hatband, Hie, hoc, horum genetivo.


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