Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/148

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Bonny Jockey, blythe and free, Won my heart right merrily, Yet ftill fhe blufh'd and frowning cry'd, no, no, it

will not do,

I cannot, cannot, wonnot, wonnot, mannot buckle too.

But when he vow'd he wou'd make her his bride,

Tho' his -flocks and herds were not few ; She gave him her hand and a kifs befide, And vow'd ihe'd for ever be true. Bonny Jockey, blythe and free, Won her heart right merily, At church ihe no more frowning cry'd, no, no, it

will not do,

I cannot, cannot, wonnot, wonnot, mannot buckle too.


��jrMPREST with every fond defire, JL My troubled mind has ftrove To check the thought that dare afpire To gentle Anna's love.

��But reafon cannot love reftrain, And vain my efforts prove ;

My heart ftill fondly iongs to gain Its gentle Anna's love.

�� �