Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/153

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( 123 )

Soon (hall the proud invaders learn,

When bent on blood and plunder; That Britifti bofoms nobly burn

To brave 1 their caunon's thunder. Low lie thofe heads, whofe wily arts

Have piann'd the world's undoing; Ourvengdtil blades fnall leach thofe hearts

Which feek our Country's ruin.

And night and morn our fong anil be, 41 Ogive us death or victory!"

When with French blood our fields manur'd,

The glorious ftruggle ended, Wr'li ling the dangers we've endur'd,

The bieflings we've defended. O'er the full bowl our feats we'll tell,

Each gallant deed reciting; And weep o'er thole who nobly fell

Their Country's battles fighting. And ever tnence our fong fhall be, " That valour leads to victorv."


O bachelor's hall we good fellows invite, JL To partake of the chafe that makes* up our de-

��We have fpirits like fire, and of health fuch a ftock, That our pulfe itrikes the;. r ue as a clock:

Did you lee us, you'd fwear, a* we mount with a

grace, That Diana had dubb'd fome new new gods of the


Hark away! hark away! .while our fpirit are gay, And Aurora with linilcs ufhers in the bright day.

M 2 Dick

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