Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/159

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Index to the Songs.

AT niiht with the \voodhrk I reft, p. 3

tinkering Tom thro' ftrcets his t.

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Ail in the downs the fleet was moor'd, As b, in -in >, home the other day,

A Cobler there was, and he \\v\l m a fhl!, - 4t As you mean to fet fail for the land i; And did you not hear of a jolly young waterman,

At Totterdown-hill there liv'd a fair p;*ir, - 53

At the fi'n of the horfe old fpintext of courfe, 56

A plague of thofe mufty old lubbers, 86

Adieu, adieu, my only life, 103

Amo, amas, - - 1 16

-At uxtecn years old, - 1^5

Bright Phoebus has mounted the chariot of day, 10

Begone, dull care, I prythse begone from me, 37

Bright Chanticleer proclaims the dawn, 38

Blow high, blow low, 49 Behold this fair goblet, 'twas carv'd from the tree, 75

Come, cheer up my lads, 'tis to glory we fleer, 4-

Ceafe rude Boreas, bluft'ring railer, - 11 Come, rouze, brother fportfman, the hunters all

cry, - 86

Come my joljy lads, the wind's abaft, JL> Come let us prepare,

Come ye lads who wifli to fliine, 80

Come, cheer up my lads, let's together unite, 8 1

Come buftle, buftie, drink about, 1 26

Do you hear, brother fportfman, 21

Dear Kathleen, you no doubt, - 36

Dear lir, this brown jug, 51

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