Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/20

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To the Seven poor Naval Knights of Windfor, ana

contentment to them, with their 601. a

year. Penfioned Lieutenants in the Britifh Navy,

with their 5s. a day. Mailers in the Britifh Navy, and may their

Knowledge never fail them. Phyficians and Surgeons of the Britifh Navy. General Officers and Men of his Majefly's

Marine Forces.

Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty. Judges of the Admiralty Court. Treafurer of the Navy. Commiflioners of the Navy.

Victualling Office.

Sick and hurt Seamen.

��for Greenwich Hofpital.

��Directors, Officers and Seamen of Greenwich

Hofpital. /Governor, Officers and Men of the Royal

Hofpital at Halfar, near Gofport. Governor, Officers and Men of Plymouth

Hofpital, Governor, Officers and Men of the Royal

Hofpital at Deal. Prefident of the Society for the Improvement

of Naval Architecture Prefident of the Marine Society.

May our admirals acl admirably.

The Commerce of Great Britain, and may it long

conrinue. Plenty of Cargo Plenty of Wind and Plenty of

Sea room. The Navy of Britain triumphant for ever.


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