Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/24

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( xviii )

Life, love, and liberty.

Love without fear, and life without care.

Love for love.

May the true lovers of liberty in England be for ever

united in affection, as they are in intereft. May we always be able to reiift the aflaults of profpe-

rity and adverfity.

May temptation never conquer virtue. May we be flaves to nothing but our duty, and friends

to nothing but merit.

May we never know forrow but by name. May we always have a friend and know his value. May thofe who love truly be always believed. And thofe who'd deceive us, be always deceived. May we never want a friend and a bottle to give him. Merit to gain a heart, and fenfe to keep it. Money to him that has fpirit to ufe it, And life to him that has courage to lofe it. More friends and lefs need of them. Peace and Plenty.

Succefs to the lover, and joy to the beloved. The life we love, and with whom we love, The fteady friends of Britain. The friend we love, and the woman we dare truft. The union of two fond hearts. What charms, arms, anddifarms. Your love for mine, and our's for that of the com pany.

May the tars of Old England ftill keep their timbers together, and the rotten planks of mutiny never difgrace the rudder of their under- Handing.

May we never feel want, nor want feeling. An increafe of trade, and decreafe of taxes. A light heart, and a heavy purfe. Pleafure without meafure, and gain without pain.


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