Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/43

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( 13 )

While o'er the fliip wild waves are beating,

We for wives and children mourn, Alas ! from lit- nee there's no retreating,

Alas ! from hence there's no return. Still the leak is gaining on us,

Both chain pumps are choak'd below, Heaven have mercy here upon u,

For only that can fave us now.

O'er the lee-beam is the land, boys,

Let the guns o'erboard be thrown, TJo the pump come every hand, boys,

See, our mizen maft is gone. The leak we've found, it can't pour fafler,

We've lighten'd her a foot or more, Up and rig a jury foremaft,

She rights, fhe rights, boys, we're off fhore.

Now, once more, on joys we're thinking,

Since kind fortune fav'd our lives ; Come the can, boys, let's be drinking

To our fweethearts and our wives. Fill it up, about fliip wheel it,

Clofe to lips a brimmer join, Where's the tempeft now, who feels it,

None, the danger's drown 'd in wine.


THE dufky night rides down the fl:y, And ulhers in the morn, The hounds all make a jovial cry, The huntfman winds his horn.

Then a hunting we will go, &c.

C The

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