Page:Pocock's Everlasting Songster.djvu/64

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( 34. )

He mew'dmoft his teeth when he happened to grin, And his mouth flood acrofs -'twixt his nofe and his chin.

Among other ftrange things that befel this good yeo man,

He was married poor foul, and his wife was a woman ; And unlefs by that liar, Mifs Fame, we're beguii'd, We may roundly affirm he was never with child.

At laft he fell flick, as old chronicles tell, And then, as folks fay, he was not very well ; But what was more ftrange, in fo weak a condition, As he could not give fees, he could get no phyiician.

What pity ! he died ; yet, 'tis faid that his death- Was occafioned at laft by a ftoppage of breath ; But peace to his bones that in allies now moulder ! Had he liv'd a day longer, he'd been a day older.


ALL in the Downs the fleet was moor'd, The ftreamers waving in the wind, When black ey'd Sufan came on board; O ! where mail I my true love find ; Tell me, ye jovial failors, tell me true, If my fweet William fails among your crew..

William, who high upon the yard,

Rock'd with the billows to and fro, Soon as her well-known voice he heard,

He figh'd, and caft his eyes below ; The cords fiy fwiftly thro' his glowing hand, And quick as lightning on the deck he ftands.


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