Page:Poem on the creation of the world, or, A meditation on the wonderful operation of the divine hand.pdf/16

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Yea, O what Pleaſure might we all liv'd in
This World, had not the curs'd Wind of Sin
Upon it been permitted thus to blow,
And all its Beauty thus defaced ſo!
Again the Lord he did on the fourth Day
The Firmament of Heaven then array,
And did beſpangle it with the glorious Sun,
The Moon and Stars all in their Courſe to run.
As for the Light on the first Day, that was
Extracted firſt from the confuſed Maſs,
The Lord ordain'd theſe Beams of Light and Fire
Should all into one ſhining Orb retire.
Which to Earth's different Quarters ſhould diſpenſe
His ſhining Rays and warming Influence.
And this great Light immensely bright and gay,
The Lord ordained for to rule the Day;
The Moon again, which is the leſſer Light,
The Lord ordained for to rule by Night.
It both from Senſe and ſacred Writ appears
These Lights divide our Seaſons, Days and Years;
The radiant Sol with certain circuiting,
Makes Summer, Winter, Autumn and the Spring,
He always long or ſhort doth make our Days,
As he withdraws or viſits with his Rays.
For one Half-year he doth the ſame increaſe,
The other Half diminiſh and make leſs:
Two Times each Year the Sun he doth divide
Our Days and Nights equal on either Side;
One Month in th' Year he more than ſixteen Hours

Diſplays his Light and Heat about our Bowers;
