Page:Poem on the creation of the world, or, A meditation on the wonderful operation of the divine hand.pdf/35

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( 31 )

That he is Lord of all the World, but then
Debarr'd from this on ſuch an awful Pain?
It is not fit that any Man ſhould pry
Into the Secrets of the Deity,
Or what he doth, to ask a Reaſon why.
The Lord did make both Adam and the Trees,
Both were his own to do with as he pleaſe:
His ſovereign Pleaſure was ſufficient Cauſe,
Why Adam of this Tree prohibit was;
Yet higheſt Reaſon cannot but ſubmit
Unto the Reaſons may be giv'n for it.
How highly was it reaſonable then,
When God thus made and high exalted Man,
When he on Earth had ſuch Dominion given,
To let him know his Sovereign was in Heaven,
And to appoint him ſomething for a Teſt,
That Man's Obedience by't might be expreſt
Unto his God, and hence to let him know
That he it was did all on him beſtow?
Beſide, the Lord, Man's great Creator, did,
When he did Adam of this Tree forbid,
Great condeſcending Goodneſs to him ſhow,
Whilſt he tranſacted with his Creatures ſo.
The Laws of Nature and Creation, they
Obliged Man his God for to obey;
And tho' that Man had thouſand Ages ſtood.
In Thought and Word done nothing elſe but Good,
Of his own Creature to diſpoſe was free,
And might without enquiring of him then,
Reduce him to his native Duſt again.
But now the Word proceeding from the Mouth

Of him that is the very God of Truth,
