Page:Poem on the creation of the world, or, A meditation on the wonderful operation of the divine hand.pdf/42

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The Use of Woman alſo God doth make
The Prey again from Satan's Hand to take;
So that her Seed might break the Serpent's Pow'r,
Revenge her Wrongs, and what ſhe loſt before.
Yea, this firſt Promiſe did in ſhort contain
The very Substance of the Goſpel Strain;
It was the Dawning of ſweet Gospel Light,
Which in all Ages ſtill did grow more bright.
At length the long expected Time drew nigh.
The Day-ſpring did us viſit from on High,
The promiſed Meſſiah then did come,
Who was conceiv'd within a Virgin's Womb:
And when that Virgin chaſte and undefil'd,
Became a Mother, and brought forth a Child:
To celebrate that great and marv'lous Birth,
The greateſt, yet the meaneſt ſeen on Earth,
From Heav'n a Choir of Angels doth take Wing,
And on the Earth at it exult and ſing;
Aſcribing Praiſe to their Creator's Name,
And Peace on Earth at once they did proclaim.
With great Delight the holy Angels ſhews
To ſinful Men the bleſt and happy News,
And Tidings of a Saviour, which they
In David's City, to them had born this Day.
By Night ſome Shepherds fed their Flocks there, who
The Angels did these Tidings firſt let know;
Unto the Place where Jesus lay, they are
Led and directed to it by a Star,
And when they came, they found the Babe was laid

Into a Manger, as the Angels ſaid.
