Page:Poems, Household Edition, Emerson, 1904.djvu/442

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Two well-assorted travellers use, 210.
Unbar the door, since thou the Opener art, 301.

Venus, when her son was lost, 103.

Was never form and never face, 275.
We are what we are made; each following day, 395.
We crossed Champlain to Keeseville with our friends, 182.
We love the venerable house, 223.
Well and wisely said the Greek, 296.
What all the books of ages paint, I have, 339.
What care I, so they stand the same, 127.
What central flowing forces, say, 340.
When all their blooms the meadows flaunt, 340.
When I was born, 138.
When success exalts thy lot, 380.
When the pine tosses its cones, 43.
When wrath and terror changed Jove's regal port, 358.
Who gave thee, O Beauty, 87.
Who knows this or that? 375.
Who saw the hid beginnings, 366.
Who shall tell what did befall, 285.
Why did all manly gifts in Webster fail? 399.
Why fear to die, 390.
Why lingerest thou, pale violet, to see the dying year, 97.
Why should I keep holiday, 83.
Wilt thou seal up the avenues of ill? 357.
Winters know, 225.
Wise and polite,—and if I drew, 159.
Wisp and meteor nightly falling, 341.
With beams December planets dart, 293.
With the key of the secret he marches faster, 357.
Would you know what joy is hid, 345.

Yes, sometimes to the sorrow-stricken, 355.
You shall not be overbold, 233.
You shall not love me for what daily spends, 352.
Your picture smiles as first it smiled, 98.