Page:Poems (1853).djvu/115

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Wild energies awaken in this strife,
This conflict of the soul with the grim phantom, Life.

But ah! if thou hadst loved me—had I been
All to thy dreams that to mine own thou art—
Had those dark eyes beamed eloquent on mine,
Pressed for one moment to that noble heart,
In the full consciousness of faith unspoken,
Life could have given no more—then had my proud heart broken!

The Alpine glacier from its height may mock
The clouds and lightnings of the winter sky,
And from the tempest and the thunder’s shock,
Gather new strength to lift its summit high;
But kissed by sunbeams of the summer day,
It bows its icy crest and weeps itself away.

Thou know’st the fable of the Grecian maid,
Wooed by the veiled immortal from the skies,—
How, in his full perfection, once she prayed,
That he would stand before her longing eyes;
And how that brightness, too intense to bless,
Consumed her o’erwrought heart with its divine excess.