Page:Poems (1853).djvu/69

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There came no voices from thy distant shore;
We heard no echo of thy country’s lyres,
We saw no gleaming of her household fires;
A cloud had hung thy land and language o’er,
Until thy pictured thoughts broke on our eyes
Like an Aurora of thy native skies.

Thy name is loved through all our fair wide land:
Where the log-cabins of our western woods
Are scattered through the dim old solitudes,
Where, glowing with young life, our cities stand,
There go thy white-winged messengers, as went
Of old the angels to the patriarch’s tent.

My harp is tuneless and unknown to fame;
A few weak chords, alas! chance-strung and frail,
O’er which sweeps fitfully the passing gale.
Would it indeed were worthier of its theme,
That it might bear across the distant sea
The homage of unnumbered hearts to thee.