Page:Poems (Crabbe).djvu/61

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The child of the Miller's Daughter, and Relation of her Misfortune,—A frugal Couple: their Kind of Frugality.—Plea of the Mother of a Natural Child: her Churching.—Large Family of Gerard Ablett: his Apprehensions: Comparison between his State and that of the wealthy Farmer his Master: his Consolation.—An Old Man's Anxiety for an Heir: the jealousy of another on having many.—Characters of the Grocer Dawkins and his Friend: their different Kinds of Disappointment.—Three Infants named.—An Orphan Girl and Village School-mistress.—Gardener's Child: Pedantry and Conceit of the Father: his Botanical Discourse: Method of fixing the Embryo-fruit of Cucumbers.—Absurd Effects of Rustic Vanity: observed in the Names of their Children.—Relation of the Vestry Debate on a Foundling: Sir Richard Monday.—Children of various Inhabitants. The poor Farmer.—Children of a Profligate: his Character and Fate.—Conclusion.

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